Foil Drive Support

Here at Foil Drive we know you'd much rather be in the water, not sending us an email! That's why we have numerous resources to try and help you resolve any issues as soon as possible! If not, our Dealers and our support Team have you covered! Fill in the form with as much detail as possible, the more the better (Bonus points for pictures!).

Help centre

Check our Help Centre for useful guides, product information, troubleshooting and help for maintenance and repairs.

View Help Centre


Your local dealer has a wealth of knowledge about Foil Drive and can help with troubleshooting, repair parts and setup instructions.

Find A Dealer


The Facebook "Foil Drive Owners Group" is an excellent place to ask for setup, riding and technique tips and tricks. The community is a great place to ask for advise about using Foil Drive!

Join Facebook Group
Claiming MAX Latches?

If you have damaged V1 MAX Latches and are claiming V2 MAX Latches, you MUST fill in the Latch Claim form, NOT the Foil Drive Warranty Claim. Do this prior to purchasing replacements.

Those with broken latches will be prioritised ahead of those wanting peace of mind replacements.

Start a warranty Claim

Contact Support

Call Us

Foil Drive Europe a call in Amsterdam, Netherlands GMT+2
Europe +31 85 888 6222

Foil Drive HQ is based in Adelaide, Australia GMT+9.5 and currently manages the US line as well

Australia HQ +61 8 7100 1610
US Number +1 786 471 2791

Visit us in Person

Note: Please call before visiting

Foil Drive Europe
Haarlemmerstraat 5, Hillegom 2182NL Netherlands

Foil Drive HQ
14 Denis St, St Marys, South Australia 5042